Did You Forget to Dream?
What were your dreams as a kid? You may have had more than one. What’s happened to it? When did you stop dreaming?
I was going to be a cowgirl. A merchant. A dancer.
One dream was to be a famous scientist. Dreams of eight-year-old kids are exciting! I still remember the night when I was trying to remember a science fact I’d just been introduced to recently. Of course, I was in bed and was supposed to be sleeping. But, I thought, when I’m a famous scientist I’ll be able to tell the story of getting out of bed to ask Dad this question. Well, things didn’t work out that way; I didn’t become a famous scientist and I still don’t remember the question I asked Dad, or if I even got an answer that night.
I also wanted to be an architect, an interior designer, a famous environmentalist, and a successful bed and breakfast innkeeper — then B&B coach and broker. I succeeded at two of these — unless being the architect and interior designer of our house counts. <grin>
Each dream tapped into an aspect of my personality and heart. Being a B&B innkeeper blended many of my interests and dreams. That was gratifying and satisfying.
Follow Your Star
I didn’t know about attaining dreams back then as much as I do now. I didn’t realize having the dream alone wasn’t sufficient to attain it. To reach that dream I’d have to commit myself. I’d have to dedicate myself to working toward the dream with all my mind, energy, time, and resources. I didn’t do that with any of those dreams.
The closest I got to being a B&B innkeeper was managing others’ inns. I loved the work and the environment, but that wasn’t enough for me — I wanted my own. Yet, I didn’t pursue it with every fiber of my being. I had excuses for why it wasn’t going to work out. So, I forgot that dream, along with all the ones before it. And I didn’t know how to dream, I thought, after that.
There are so many reasons you might have forgotten your dreams. It feels too hard, working towards a dream. It seems foolish. You’re scared. You have lost sight of to whom you owe it to pursue and live your dream. You have responsibilities and don’t have time to dream. You don’t feel adequate to have something different or bigger than you have. Your dreams have never worked out, so what’s the point in doing it again? You don’t have enough time or money to pursue any dreams. Others have already done what you want to do.
Maybe it’s the same reasons that have had you quit dreaming are the same reasons that you have forgotten to dream again. What is that reason?
Fear. Fear raises excuses and blame. Fear undermines our self-confidence and sense of worth. Fear gets in the way of all that’s good in your life and for your life.
Dream The Impossible Dream
It’s time to start dreaming again. You have a wonderful gift to share with the world, and it’s your responsibility to share that gift. Nobody can share that gift the way you will. You won’t feel fulfilled until you share your dreams, the dreams that honor your gifts.
It’s time to start dreaming again — and to start pursuing those dreams. And don’t forget to keep dreaming.